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Cast, Crew & Creatives

Touring Company - Se7ven Productions Limited

Production Company - Se7ven Productions Limited / Prestige Productions Limited

Creative Director - Ged Graham

Executive Director - Ross Mills

Creator - Ged Graham

Musical Director - Adam Evans

Original Compositions - Ged Graham/Wayne Golden

Vocal Arrangements - Adam Evans

Choreography - Leanne Kyte

Music Programming and Orchestration - Wayne Golden

Tour Management - Divine Live Ltd

Sound Design - Alistair Penman

Lighting Design - Tom Nicholson

Tour Management - Divine Live Ltd

QLAB Production - Divine Live Ltd

AV Design - Dave Richardson for RICH Media

Photography - Andy Cheshire Photography

Stage Design - Ged Graham / Ross Mills / Divine Live Ltd

Set Construction - GGM Set Design

Technical Suppliers - 3D Productions Limited

Associate Sound Design (3D) - Adam Wylkes

Touring Head of LX - Tom Nicholson

Touring Head of Sound - Nat Benn

Brochure Design - Ged Graham / Ross Mills / Chameleon Music Marketing

Printing - Paceprint UK

CD / DVD Duplication - Mourne Music Records

Backdrops - Banner World

Music Licensing - Maxwell Music

Marketing and PR - Chameleon Music Marketing Limited

Accountants - IV Lions Accountancy Services

Business Advisors - Parry Business Services Limited

Merchandise - Se7ven Music Media Limited